This node is only available in the full version of Compositor Pro.
Tail-end is a combination of Aberration, Halation, Sharpen, and Grain.
- Aberration
- Color (Color)
The color of the aberration effect.
The 2 aberrations will always be the opposite color of each other.
This color is the one used for the right aberration; the left is automatically calculated.
- Threshold (Float)
Any values below the threshold will not have the aberration effect applied to it.
It is recommended to have a threshold above 0.18.
- Size (Float)
Determines the size, or width, of the aberration effect.
- Fac (Float)
Determines how much the aberration effect will be mixed in.
- Halation
- Color (Color)
Determines the color of the halation effect.
- Threshold (Float)
Any values below this threshold will not have the halation effect applied to it.
- Fac (Float)
Determines how much of the effect is mixed in.
- Size (Float)
Determines the size of the halation effect.
- Sharpen
- Intensity (Float)
Intensity of the sharpening effect.
- Scale (Float)
Scale of the sharpening effect.
- Grain
- Fac (Float)
Determines the Mix of the Grain node.
Determines how much the grain effect will be mixed in.
- Size (Float)
Scale of the grain pattern.
Smaller values means a finer pattern.
- Contrast (Float)
The range of values in a grain pattern.
This determines variance from the midlevel, rather than total distribution.
A value of 0.5 is recommended for LDR images.