Grain mixes in a small grain pattern to the image to emulate film grain. The grain pattern is both mixed and multiplied over the image. There is also a psuedo grain mosaic effect to make the effect appear more natural at the cost of making the underlying image appear slightly blurry.
You can use the Grain Replacer to replace the grain texture used by the Grain node.
- Mix (Float)
Determines how much the grain effect will be mixed in.
Similar to Fac
- Size (Float)
Scale of the grain pattern.
Smaller values means a finer pattern.
- Bias (Float)
Determines which parts of the image while be more grainy.
Lower values mean that shadows will get more grain.
Higher values mean that highlights will get more grain.
Bias of 0.5 means that grain is applied equally over the image.
- Midlevel (Float)
Determines the midlevel of the grain pattern.
For HDR images, a midlevel above 1.0 is fine but for LDR images a midlevel of 0.5 is recommended.
- Contrast (Float)
The range of values in a grain pattern.
This determines variance from the midlevel, rather than total distribution.
A value of 0.5 is recommended for LDR images.
- Mosaic (Float)
Determines how much of the mosaic effect is mixed.
Similar to Fac
- Mosaic Blur (Float)
How much blur is applied before the mosaic effect.